There are two ways to understand beauty. One is superficial and frivolous, seeking only to arouse the desire of others and feed the ego. The other is delicate and natural, part of the quest to find the best version of oneself, emphasizing self-worth and nourishing the soul.


At Leblon, we clearly champion natural beauty. We love identifying and understanding a person’s essence so that through our treatments, it can reflect outwardly.



In our salon, we ensure that when you look in the mirror, you feel more beautiful than ever and, above all, more YOU than ever. For us, that’s where the secret lies: in helping you rediscover your light.

Reclaim your essence, fall in love with yourself again.

To be radiant on the outside demands being luminous on the inside. When taking care of yourself becomes an act of consciousness, self-appreciation, and striving to be your best self, it inherently involves respect for the delicate balance around us and a desire to contribute to creating a better world. At Leblon, we prioritize products that are environmentally friendly. What is truly beneficial for your skin is also beneficial for the planet.



When Regina opened her first beauty salon in Brazil, after having worked for several years in Girona and trained here and there, she initially thought it wasn’t her thing. However, she hadn’t mistaken her vocation; rather, she had practiced it in the wrong framework, in a space and time that didn’t allow her to reflect in her work who she truly was.

She returned to Girona, continued her education, and grew both professionally and personally. She decided it was time to open her own business again, one where she would prioritize her own values over those imposed by market demand. Reaching a smaller audience was preferable to compromising her understanding of aesthetics, as for her, only beauty that nourishes the soul mattered.

But demand is malleable… And things done from the heart rarely fail. That’s why Leblon is today a leading salon in Girona, one that transcends the concept of “beauty” to encompass something greater: BEAUTY.

You can only preach by example; therefore, the entire team at Leblon, alongside Regina, shares not only great professionalism but also the same conviction: that beauty radiates from within and illuminates the outside, making the emotional component as important as the aesthetic one.
